• New Colon Cancer Screening Starting Age
    The American Cancer Society (ACS) has recently updated their starting age recommendation for colon cancer screening to now begin at age 45 for people of average risk. This change is Read more
  • 10 Gut Healthy Summer Foods
    Summertime is here and that means your calendars are probably filled with fun summer activities. Many of us will be running around dropping the kids off at summer camps or Read more
  • 5 Science-Backed Benefits of Exercise on Your Digestion
    We all know what we eat significantly affects the health of our digestion but what many don’t realize, is what’s also important is how much we move. Exercise not only Read more
  • Open Access Colonoscopy
    Open Access Colonoscopy An Open Access Colonoscopy allows qualifying patients in the Plano, TX area the ability to schedule a colonoscopy without having an office visit with their gastroenterologist prior to Read more
  • Gluten Sensitivity - Symptoms and Diet | Arshad Malik, MD
    Many media publications have reported over the past few years that gluten sensitivity for those without Celiac disease is not a real condition. That inaccuracy and gluten related questions from Read more
  • Probiotics - worth the money? | Arshad Malik, MD
    Which Probiotic is Best for My Gut? As a gastroenterologist in Plano, TX I receive a lot of questions from my patients regarding bacteria in our digestive system. With Read more
  • 2017 Colon Cancer Awareness Plano, TX | Arshad Malik, MD
    “With a projected estimate of 50,000 deaths in the United States caused by colon cancer in 2017, this is something that everyone should be made aware of. While colon cancer Read more
  • Colonoscopy - Questions to Ask GI Doctor | Arshad Malik, MD
    According to the American Cancer Society, colon cancer is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S. and is expected to cause close to 50,000 deaths in 2016.  Read more
  • 2016 Colon Cancer Awareness Plano TX | Arshad Malik, MD
    Since 2000, the month of March has been dedicated as National Colon Cancer Awareness month.  As a gastroenterologist in Plano, TX, this is an important topic that I want to Read more
  • Stomach Pains - When to see Doctor | Arshad Malik, MD
    Stomach pains can happen due to problems digesting food, gas or more serious concerns like ulcers and damage to the stomach’s lining. Some problems can be treated with antacids and Read more
  • Four Things That Cause Stomach Pains | Arshad Malik, MD
    Everyone experiences a stomach pain once in a while, whether it’s from consuming something that your body doesn't like or having menstrual cramps (in women). But if you're experiencing stomach Read more
  • Welcome to Our Blog
    Welcome to the Blog of Arshad Malik MD Arshad Malik MD would like to welcome you to our blog. Here you will find informative and useful postings about gastroenterology and our Read more
  • Welcome to Our Blog
    Welcome to the Blog of Arshad Malik MD Arshad Malik MD would like to welcome you to our blog. Here you will find informative and useful postings about gastroenterology and our Read more